Next steps

In this section, you will find descriptions of what it means to be “good” for the following skills...

Manage My Work and Set Goals

I can work effectively with diverse teams to create high quality products.

I can manage tasks and deadlines.

I use a task management system to keep track of my tasks and due dates. I consistently submit my work on time. I finish some of my most important tasks 24 hours before they are due. I integrate constructive feedback from my peers or teachers into most of my most important work before I turn it in.

I can set goals.

I can set measurable goals (e.g. SMART goals) to help me grow personally, academically, and in other areas of focus (e.g., career, college, sports). I can revise my goals as I meet them and continue to challenge myself. I can create an action for each goal. This action plan is challenging but not impossible to do. I can submit weekly reflections that include evidence of my progress towards achieving my goals. If I am not making progress, I seek support from members in my personal and professional network who can help me achieve my goals. I can identify possible barriers to achieving each goal and ways to overcome them.

I can be organized and prepared.

I always have all of my materials and have completed all of the work I need for my studio so that I am ready to learn. I have my own process or strategy for keeping my things organized, safe, and in good condition. I take good care of things for which I am responsible. I am able to keep my digital files and folders organized.

I can stay focused and on task.

I can stay focused on a task without needing guidance or supervision. I can adapt to different learning environments and have multiple strategies to keep my focus.

I can get feedback and improve my work.

I can use the continua to identify specific ways that I can improve my work and get to the next level in each skill area. I understand that I am always able to take initiative to re vise my work and continually improve it. I seek and use feedback from my teachers and peers to improve my work.

Collaborate Effectively

I can work effectively with diverse teams to create high quality products.

Interact and participate effectively with others

I can co-create norms with my team and I can non-judgmentally call out when norms are being violated. I can identify or choose my role and I understand how I am expected to interact with my team. I can support other team members when they need help. I can contribute to our positive work environment and help build strong team relationships among my peers. I can actively listen and acknowledge and respect the perspectives of my team members. I can participate in team work sessions and express my ideas. I can ask clarifying questions to better understand my team members (when applicable).

Complete my part of the work

I can highly prioritize all team meetings, but when I cannot attend, I tell my team before the meeting and send all work products for which I am responsible. I then follow up after to see what I missed. I can complete my work on time or early to meet our team deadlines. I can make sure my team members are aware of our deadlines. I can bring my tasks to the team for multiple rounds of feedback and revisions. My final contributions are high quality and meet all requirements for our project.

Manage and resolve conflicts

I can brainstorm ideas to manage and resolve a conflict. I can consider the feelings and perspectives of all parties involved. I can work with others to determine which solution will provide the most benefit to all involved in the conflict and I can help to implement the solution. I can take responsibility for my role in the conflict and I can take appropriate action to repair any damaged relationships, property, etc.

Reflect on our product and process

With my team, I can discuss and reflect on our strengths and our opportunities for growth in both our product and our process of working together. I can reflect on my personal strengths and on my opportunities for growth. I can set a goal for growth in one area as well as specific next steps I can take to build my skills or strategies in this area.

Building Networks

I can build relationships with diverse individuals and expand my network of people who can help and support me.

Build positive relationships

I can identify and participate in formal and informal interactions with people who have interests, perspectives, experiences, or strengths that I can learn from. I can actively seek out opportunities to meet people who work in my career field of interest to get more information and to build my network. I can use my network to connect me with new people that can help me achieve my goals.

Seek support and resources

When I complete a final product, project or performance, I can reflect on the people who supported me and how they helped me to achieve my goals. I can follow up with the individuals who help and support me to express my gratitude. I can think in advance about the types of support I need, and figure out who the best person within my network is to go to for help. I can clearly articulate what I need help with and why.

Create and maintain a positive digital/online footprint

I can use social media responsibly and effectively to connect with people I know and begin to build my network. I can demonstrate my understanding that everything that I do online leaves a footprint that cannot be undone by using privacy settings and by being thoughtful about the things I post or write (e.g. text messages, snapchats, comments, videoes, pictures, etc.).  I can think about how what I write and post will make others feel and I make sure I don't write or post anything I wouldn't want my parent, teacher, prospective employer, and/or college admissions counselor to see. I can check my online profiles regularly to see what comments have been posted and I can block or unfriend people who are posting comments that are inappropriate. I can regularly use a search engine (e.g. Google, Bing, etc.) to look for online records of myself to see what is online about me. I can evaluate whether or not digital me is an accurate representation of real-life me.